My grandmother (I call her Mom-Mom) makes THE BEST rice pudding I have ever eaten! I've always thought it was something that was difficult to make and took a lot of time. Well, I've come up with a quick recipe that takes about 15 minutes to prepare! I'm serious! Take a look:
What do you need?
- 1 Box of 'Cook & Serve' Vanilla Pudding
- 1 Egg
- 4 Cups of Milk
- 1 Cup of UNCOOKED rice
- Raisins (the amount of raisins you use is dependent on your liking)
- Cinnamon Sugar
Let's Get Cooking Soul Food....In Stilettos of Course!
- Empty your box of 'Cook & Serve' vanilla pudding into a pot or bowl
- Combine the rest of your ingredients into the pot or bowl
- Mix together for 2 minutes
- Bring everything to a boil
- Remove from heat and cover
- Your pudding will thicken as it cools
- Sprinkle your pudding with Cinnamon Sugar & Raisins (Yummy, my mouth is watering already!!)
- Serve either hot or cold
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