The point of ministry is to reach the lost and to bring them into the beauty of Christ. Drama is an effective ministry tool because it allows the audience to not only hear God’s word, but to visually see it on Center Stage! For those that are thinking of embarking on a performance ministry there is a great weight of responsibility to make sure that the pieces that are performed glorify God.
If you are thinking about starting a drama ministry it is important to identify the different types of ministry and their roles in the church. Drama can affect the move of God through the following channels:
- Monologuesare performed by one person and are used to give a voice to the different people in the bible. Monologues vary in length and time, there may be only one person that performs or a series of people. Monologues can be used to compliment a sermon.
- Skitsare short sketches that depict a story in the bible or a present day situation that shows characters who have a problem that is solved by the power of God. Skits can range from five – thirty minutes in length. Skits may involve one or more person, may be performed on stage or in another area of the church, and usually little to no set. Skits are more relaxed than full out play productions and are often used to compliment a sermon or ministry event such as a women’s conference.
- In a church setting, a play can run an hour or more. Often times, plays have a set and are broken down into scenes. Like the skits, they are used to either expand on the actual word or to take a present day situation and show the power of God. Plays are more involved than skits in the fact that they are often have a cast, costumes, a stage, set, lighting, music, etc. Plays are stand alone projects, and may be used in place of a sermon, or as a full production. Today some churches have now developed their drama ministry to the level that they are putting out full productions and utilizing plays as a way to not only bring souls to Christ, but to generate revenue for the church.
- Professional Theatre happens when a ministry or person decides to take the classic play to the next level. These productions are generally 90 minutes-3 hours, and have a professional cast, crew, staging, etc. Ministry should still be at the forefront, but there is a business side to professional theatre.
We will continue to explore the different aspects of theatre throughout this series, but it is essential that one evaluate the type of drama they would like to implement in their church or ministry. Some ministries choose to use only one style, others use more than one; there is no right answer for this. It is all about what your ministry is willing to take on.
This article is written by Tamika Hall. To reprint please contact:
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