By Rosanna Cooper, Single Parenting Column
Happy New Year! You’re probably thinking this is an old article. But no, I’m writing this in August 2012, the beginning of the school year of most children in the country. This year is not only a new school year for us, but a new school as a whole. People often talk about the challenges kids face when starting a new school but I have never heard anyone talk about the challenges parents face.
My son, who is entering 2nd grade, has been at the same school since he was 3 years old. Over the years, I have developed many friendships from field trips and classroom activities that later turned into lunches and late night talks. Those friendships helped me during my transition with my divorce. Now, I have to start from scratch. I went from being an officer in the PTO to a new member that does not know anyone. Despite this, I look forward to the adventure that lies ahead. Just as a new calendar year brings about the opportunity for a new beginning, I look forward to the new friendships I will forge.
Since this is my first Blog, you may be wondering why I decided to write. With all the free time that is afforded as a single parent, I had to find something to do with my time. (Notice the sarcasm.) But seriously, life as a single parent can be challenging at times. The things that occur in my life are often so ridiculous I just have to LOL (Laugh Out Loud) at myself, literally. I’ve been told that I am a funny person but I reply, "funny things just happen to me."
So I’m writing to let other single parents know that they are not along. I’m fortunate enough to have a tremendous support group with my family and friends, and ex-husband whose time with his son allows me some freedom. But for those who do not have that luxury, I hope to provide a place for them to feel normal, whatever that is, and ask any questions they may have. I may not have the “right” answer but I think I can provide a unique prospective.
Welcome aboard!
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