Today it was just me and the little one. My five year old princess,Amari ans I traveled through four states today. We watched birds, marveled at the shapes and caves some fallen trees had made and finished it off with some ice cream.
Initially, this was supposed to be a pamper me day, but I am so glad I chose to skip the "me" day and spend it with my princess.
Let me be very honest, Amari is the baby of the family and she is spoiled by EVERYONE. She is the child that tends to be the most challenging because she is very vocal about what she wants and what she believes is right..,, whether she really is right or not. However today she was an absolute dream.
As always I find myself learning from my children. Today we happened to pass a playground in our travels and she jumped right in playing with the children, quickly making friends. At first I was nervous about letting her run around by herself and walked around the swings and slide with her. Just as I was getting ready to follow her to another toy she looked at me and said "Mommy, you can go and sit down."
It wasn't rude, as a matter of fact it said in a comforting tone that let me know I COULD and NEEDED to let her go just a little bit.So I did what she asked... I sat down at the table she had pointed out. It within the fenced in playground, and was close by. I sat there and slowly let her grow up... Only a little bit though I still had a very watchful eye on her lol.
The lesson for the day was learn when to let go.... Just a little :-)
A lesson learned from my Mommy/Daughter Day

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