Stretched for His Glory-4th Annual Praise Dance Extravaganza
It is amazing that in the 20 plus years I have been singing, dancing, and acting in productions in church, Saturday, September 22, 2012, was my first time as a Worship Leader! I was the Worship Leader for the 4th Annual Praise Dance Extravaganza hosted by Pastor Dawn Abbott and International House of Prayer.
Let me tell you...I was terrified. I cried most of the day because I didn't feel worthy or adequate to do the job. Oh, and let me also add to it, it had been more than a year since I had physically danced. Sure, I've choreographed and such, but I had not danced in about 18 months.
Then when I ran out of every excuse I could to NOT dance, I swallowed my tears and said, "Lord, it's all about you tonight." That's when I began to stretch. I did not really have anytime to physically choreograph anything for the number I was going to dance was Holy Ghost by Kim Burrell (I've always wanted to do something to that song and since I can't hit a Kim Burrell run I decided to dance to it, lol). Though I could not choreograph, I closed my eyes, listened to the music and tapped into HIS GLORY.
Then I was asked to dance the next day at my home church and I realized that God was truly stretching me. Stretching me to bring Him glory. Needless to say, this weekend was explosive in my life. The ministries that performed were awesome and God really showed up. Kudos to Pastor Abbott and Minister Lee Lee Stanley for a great event.

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