So, there has been so much going on with teaching classes through Exploding Worship Arts Institute, life as a mother and wifey, I haven't had a chance to write about my excitement with my music!! Yes, I can finally say MY MUSIC. I've dreamt of becoming a Christian Recording Artist since I was a child and it's finally happening.
So...I have a best friend, Tee Tunnell Harris of The Keys Productions. She is a phenomenal musician and producer and she's been asking me for two years to allow her to hear the many songs I've written. I know that you are probably thinking I'm crazy to have someone in my circle who wants to hear my music and I was too scared to sing for them, but that was the case for me :-). Needless to say, I emailed her a sample of one of my songs and now we are working on bringing it to the world!!!
I'm going to be opening for "A Night of Gospel" on November 23, 2013 and this is the first time my face is on a flier...hehehehe (can you tell I'm excited?).
I hope to see you there!
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