






I recently came across an article written about Kirk Cameron from February 2013...yes, I was obviously tardy for the party on this article but the message he gave the students of Liberty University is one that needs to be reiterated over and over again.  He told the film students:
“I encourage you: have convictions, have standards, don’t let others set them for you. They will set the bar too low,” he told students. “Set the bar high and perform for an audience of One (God)—and you’ll get the applause of Heaven; you can just trust God to take care of everybody else. That’s the motto I go by." 
This message resonated with me because it is so true.  Everyone knows that my catch phrase is Our job is bring God's word to the world in 3D.  This is what Mark 16:14-15 commissions us to do:
14Afterward He appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table; and He reproached them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
In order to spread the Gospel of Christ we must understand that first and foremost we minister unto God, then to Believers, and then to Unbelievers.  As a minister of the performing arts we must understand that there is indeed ministry in our performance.  As we continually balance "playing a part" and being entertaining whether it is through a play, dancing on stage, writing a book...the ultimate goal is to win souls for Christ.

In the PERFORMING ARTS its important for our display to be entertaining but if we always hold God as the center of what we do He will be pleased and we will touch the heart of those watching us.

To summarize, Kirk Cameron's advise is a great guideline for those of us choosing the perfect song to sing or dance or the play we are going to write or perform in.
1.  Have convictions.
2.  Have standards, don’t let others set them for you. They will set the bar too low

What are your thoughts on what it means to Perform for an Audience of One?

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